Thursday, November 5, 2009

Exploration 8: Social Bookmarking Sites

I just set up my own Delicious account and am looking forward to using it. So far I have bookmarked the great law sites that I learned about at the Mayland Law Library session of GSM. I'm also bookmarking any great readers advisory sites I find as that is always a challenge.
Another set of bookmarks I am going to add are the ones I've listed on my "Find Your Job" Pathfinder Packet that I created for my LATI project and I'll add any others that I come across.
As an APT I travel between libraries and it will be wonderful to access these websites from wherever I am!
I also find the sites that each branch has included on their branch Delicious accounts very helpful as many are specific to the area and the questions eacg branch often gets.
I find Delicious to be extremely helpful, both for individuals and for branches in that favorite websites can be accessed from any computer.
I am just practicing with tagging and trying to discover how tags can be used to identify other pertinant websites!


  1. Impressive amount of bookmarking! How long did it take you to enter all of those?

    My Delicious account, which I love because it's so accessible and easy to annotate (I lift descriptions from the Web sites), looks a lot like my desk: stacks of things in no discernible order. Do you have any tips on how to organize the bookmarks?

    I'll have to look at the other branches' accounts; we don't seem to use ours.

    If you want to be my bookmarking friend, I'm Wortklauber on Delicious.

  2. I would love it if I could make folders of the bookmarks! I looked all over the site for that option but couldn't find it.

  3. Oops...posted the comment above from the BPK blog, not my own. Still learning how to manuever among all these various places.
